Friday, July 30, 2010


don \DON\, verb:


1. To put on or dress in.

1. A Spanish title prefixed to a man's given name.
2. (In the Mafia) a head of a family or syndicate.

For some inexpensive 3-D fun on a sunny day, have your child don the special glasses included with Optrix 3-D Bubbles to see holographic stars, hearts, butterflies, or lightning bolts on the bubbles she blows.
-- Amy Kaldor-Bull, "Bubble toys that burst with fun," Kansas City Star, July 2010.

"Ay, ay, and the rector fancied, sitting teaching me Greek out of old wild Homer all weekday - and his girl slipping out and in - 'twould do to don the cassock of a Sunday and preach out of the pulpit against the world, the devil, and the flesh - then warn me against the sea - ha!
-- George Cupples, The green hand: adventures of a naval lieutenant: a sea story for boys

Don is an early 14th Century contraction of "do on," as doff is a similar contraction of "do off."

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