Friday, July 30, 2010


philogyny \fi-LOJ-uh-nee\, noun:


Love of or liking for women (opposite of misogyny.)

We will, therefore, draw a curtain over this scene, from that philogyny which is in us, and proceed to matters which, instead of dishonouring the human species, will greatly raise and ennoble it.
-- Henry Fielding, The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great

To me, it is immaterial if misogyny or philogyny or whatever was in the writer's mind. It's the fact of censorship and, what is truly more infuriating, at the instigation of a cleric, that alarms me.
-- Giordiano Bruno, "Wrong move, Mr Rector, sir," Malta Independent, November 2009

Philogyny combines two Greek roots: philo, "love," and gyn, "woman."

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